Sunday, May 22, 2011

The 1st Sunburn

You know it's getting warmer when the first sunburn sneaks its way onto your previously pasty body.  Of course no one notices during the day when preventative measures could have been made.  Of course you don't feel it's band-aide like ripping pain until it's too late. Of course, this is the long weekend.

Which brings me to another point; I have found myself unemployed during this festive first long weekend of the warmer season. It's not that I don't appreciate the cottage/cycling/running/burning/gluttony that represents these four days of civic holidays. It's just that the appreciation is not as fulfilling as if I was actually missing work or obligations. 

I'm actually a touch sad I cannot job hunt because everything is closed and no one is around. I know one day I'll look at this (hopefully next long weekend) and smite my self for being so lush about a weekend I don't even notice. Until then, HURRAY!

This my friends is a result of about 4 hours in direct sunlight sans sunscreen. In my defence I was only planning on being outside for 2 hours. Maybe 3.

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